Refugee Neighbors

Exciting New Opportunities this Summer!

Nations Ministry is looking for folks to help with their high schoolers in a variety of ways.

Are you free for a day or two?
Dates: June 10-July 12
Location: Hillcrest United Methodist Church, 5112 Raywood Lane

Would you be willing to lead or help in a small group or meet one-on-one with a student about a topic below?

  1. Gardening Basics: Preparing the Soil

  2. Gardening Basics: What and How to Plant 

  3. Car Maintenance: Changing a Tire

  4. Car Maintenance: Checking the Oil and other Fluids

  5. Car Maintenance: Checking the Tire Pressure

  6. Car Maintenance: Jump Starting a Battery 

  7. Car Maintenance: Changing Wiper Blades

  8. Car Maintenance: Reading Gauges and Warning Lights

  9. Financial Literacy: Budgeting

  10. Financial Literacy: Investing

  11. Financial Literacy: Postsecondary Planning 

  12. Communication in the Workplace

  13. Public Speaking & Presenting

  14. Mental Health & Self-care

  15. Conflict Resolution

  16. Professionalism (discussing things like dress code, timeliness, conduct, etc.)

  17. We also would like to recruit people to work with students one-on-one to create a resume and practice interview skills. 

  18. Another one-on-one opportunity would be "life coach" mentoring. Where a community volunteer meets with a high school student to answer questions and give advice.

  19. Cooking (We have enough volunteers for this class.)

For more information on these awesome opportunities, please fill out the form below. We will be in contact with you to figure out scheduling!